Differences between revisions 31 and 36 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 31 as of 2008-11-27 12:21:51
Size: 2574
Editor: hih-kn-2301-01
Revision 36 as of 2009-07-17 04:32:01
Size: 2971
Editor: hih-kn-2301-01
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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  * Add pseudorandomsation Saccade and !SaccadeAdaptation paradigm
  * add counter for maximum repetition of conditions in Saccades, !MovingPoint, !SaccadeAdaptation
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  * It is annoying, that the parameter tree is resetted to full view whenever a parameter is changed.
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  * In the main window it would be nice, if the number of valid trials for every trial class would be displayed separately.

Any Suggestions?

Feel free to edit this page and add your suggestions.

  • Paradigms
    • Add pseudorandomsation Saccade and SaccadeAdaptation paradigm

    • add counter for maximum repetition of conditions in Saccades, MovingPoint, SaccadeAdaptation

    • The Moving Point paradigm should have a pursuit adaptation feature like in former purs_adapt program.
  • User Interface
    • It is annoying, that the parameter tree is resetted to full view whenever a parameter is changed.
    • A button for deactivating Fixctrl is missing.
    • The data filename should not be changeable during a running experiment.
    • The "Load Experiment" menu item should be deactivated when an experiment is running.
    • In the main window it would be nice, if the number of valid trials for every trial class would be displayed separately.
    • A manual scaling in the data plot window would be nice.
  • Storage and other basic user features
    • Data File size could be decreased by the possibility to define a Din Channel Mask in the registry.
  • Controllers and Conditions
  • Lo-Level nrec features
    • The Parameters should be hideable, so that the not needed or in the paradigm overwritten ones can be made invisible.
  • Advanced Features
    • Please add the possibility that a user can create his own paradigm by selecting a set of primitives, controllers and so on.

Additionally, you can get into contact by mail:



  • The Moving Point paradigm should have a parameter to choose, if the starting position is defined automatically or manually via additional parameters.
  • The Moving Point paradigm has to be extended by a cueing mode in which the startpoint and direction can be cued by an arrow or a point. The probability of the 4 cue-conditions (p invalid/valid, v invalid/valid) must be settable individually by parameters. Cues' type, start-/stoptime and eccentricity factor must be settable by parameters, their direction (arrow) and location are defined by the selected cue-condition.
  • A ShowOnAIn controller similar to the CPrimitiveControllerShowOnDIn which checks, if any of a given channel set is over some threshold is needed (see CFlowCondAIn).
  • The CFlowCondAIn condition should be able to send different actions dependent on the detected channel.
  • We need a digital out trigger that goes HI when the experiment is started and LO when finished.
  • Extension of the move-controller to circular movement: radius, center, velocity
  • A reward condition should be added to the Moving Point paradigm.
  • Landolt-C primitive. 07/2008
  • Paradigm Saccades: Now parameter to optionally set the startpoint to the center instead of being one of the grid-points. 07/2008
  • Primitive Arrow and Primitive Rectangle: better Antialiasing. 07/2008

nrec: MakeSuggestions (last edited 2015-05-07 07:47:58 by FriedemannBunjes)