
Documentation of nrec Parameters

1. Data Acquisition

2. Experiment file

3. Eye position module

3.1. Calibration

3.2. Input hardware

4. Local system setup

4.1. Monitor

4.1.1. Resolution

4.2. Setup ID

5. Stimuli

Clear Color R

6. Stimulus window

Parameters defining the graphics output. You will have to restart nrec to apply these settings.

7. Storage

Parameters related to storage of the data to a hdf5-file.

8. User Interface

Parameters defining the look of the user interface.

8.1. Eye Position Panel

Area on the right upper side of the main window where the current eye position and other things are displayed.

8.2. Main window layout

These parameters are usually changed directly on the user interface. There is no need to modify them here.

8.3. Plotting setup

The other parameters are usually changed directly on the user interface. There is no need to modify them here.

nrec: ParameterExplanationNrec (last edited 2015-12-11 09:24:32 by FriedemannBunjes)