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== Local system setup ==

=== Monitor ==

 * {{{ Distance }}}
   Viewing distance between eyes and screen in mm.

 * {{{ Frame rate }}}
   Refresh rate of the screen.

 * {{{ Height }}}
   Height of the screen in mm.

 * {{{ Width }}}
   Width of the screen in mm.

==== Resolution ====

 * {{{ Horizontal }}}
   Number of horizontal pixels (columns).

 * {{{ Vertical }}}
   Number of vertical pixels (rows).

=== Stimuli ===

 * {{{ Clear Screen at the End of Experiment }}}
   If activated, the screen is cleared when the experiment is finished or stopped.

 * {{{ Frameerror handling }}}
   0: strict, system assumes that calculation of a new frame lasts less than 1/framerate seconds.<<BR>>
   1: tolerant, system allows the frame calculation to be longer than 1/framerate seconds. Especially useful in conjunction with movie primitives.

Documentation of nrec Parameters

1. Data Acquisition

  •  sampling rate 

    • Acquired samples per second by the daq card.
  •  SubdeviceID for AIn eye position recording (16ch) 

    • The ID of the analog input subdevice (find out via comedi_test -t info).

  •  SubdeviceID for DIn spike recording (24ch) 

    • The ID of the digital input subdevice (find out via comedi_test -t info). If no spikes or comparable digital signals are to be recorded, set this value to -1.

  •  SubdeviceID for other DIO (8ch) 

    • The ID of the digital in-/output subdevice (find out via comedi_test -t info). The trial trigger is on channel 0 output. The other channels may be used for response buttons, reward signals, LEDs and similar things.

2. Experiment file

  •  Experiment file 

    • Path and filename of the last experiment configuration used. Usually this is not modified here.

3. Eye position module

3.1. Calibration

  •  Channel 0 

    • Currently used horizontal calibration coefficients. These are the 6 coefficients a,b,c,d,e,f in the voltage (x) to gaze_angle funtion:
      ganze_angle = a + b * x + c * y + d * x2 + e * x * y + f * y2.
      Usually this is not modified here.

  •  Channel 1 

    • Currently used vertical calibration coefficients. These are the 6 coefficients a,b,c,d,e,f in the voltage (x) to gaze_angle funtion:
      ganze_angle = a + b * x + c * y + d * x2 + e * x * y + f * y2.
      Usually this is not modified here.

  •  # Channels 

    • Number of channels used for eye position calibration. Use 1 for x-only mode or 2 for x-y-mode.
  •  # Coefficient/channel 

    • Number of calibration coefficients per channel. Order of the polynomial in the above equations. Currently only a value of 6 is implemented.

3.2. Input hardware

  •  # Channels 

    • Number of channels used for eye position measurement. Currently only a value of 2 is implemented.
      Usually this is not modified here.

  •  Device ID 

    • Device ID for eye movement data acquisition. Usually 0.
  •  Subevice ID  

    • Subdevice ID for eye movement data acquisition. Usually equals DAQ/SUBDEVICE_ID_AIN.
  •  X Channel ID 

    • ID of channel for horizontal eye position. Usually 0.
  •  Y Channel ID 

    • ID of channel for vertical eye position. Usually 1.

4. Local system setup

=== Monitor ==

  •  Distance 

    • Viewing distance between eyes and screen in mm.
  •  Frame rate 

    • Refresh rate of the screen.
  •  Height 

    • Height of the screen in mm.
  •  Width 

    • Width of the screen in mm.

4.0.1. Resolution

  •  Horizontal 

    • Number of horizontal pixels (columns).
  •  Vertical 

    • Number of vertical pixels (rows).

4.1. Stimuli

  •  Clear Screen at the End of Experiment 

    • If activated, the screen is cleared when the experiment is finished or stopped.
  •  Frameerror handling 

    • 0: strict, system assumes that calculation of a new frame lasts less than 1/framerate seconds.
      1: tolerant, system allows the frame calculation to be longer than 1/framerate seconds. Especially useful in conjunction with movie primitives.

... to be continued

nrec: ParameterExplanationNrec (last edited 2015-12-11 09:24:32 by FriedemannBunjes)